● 竞博JBO电竞有限公司(简称“竞博JBO电竞“)成立于 2003年,位于上海市虹口区,是一家专业从事钢铁贸易销售、加工及运输配送的多元化公司。
● 公司拥有近20年为电站锅炉、环保及化工容器设备提供专业特殊钢材的经验,并为客户进行加工、运输等一系列服务,产品广泛销售至全国各地及国内外部分项目中。
● 公司主营合金板、锅炉容器板、耐热板、耐酸板、耐候板及各类圆钢及型材, 并以上海宝山区为中心,自营大型独立仓库,长期备有万吨现货资源,规格齐全。
● 公司秉承“匠人匠心至诚至精,以客户增值为自身价值体现“的经营理念,不断完善自身的经营管理,提高服务深度和精度,为客户提供质优价廉的材料,追求与客户长远的、稳定的、双赢的合作关系。
● 目前,公司有员工32人, 同时外聘有位环保及锅炉行业专家,包括:
● 材料高级工程师 一名(持有锅炉行业资质证书)
● 钢管涡流探伤二级证书者 一名(锅炉压力容器、特殊设备)
● 超声波探伤三级证书者 一名(锅炉压力容器、特殊设备
Shanghai XD Steel Co., Ltd. (“SHXD”) was established in 2003 and is located in Hongkou District, Shanghai, China. It is a diversified company specializing in steel trade, sales, processing, transportation and distribution.
The company has nearly 20 years of experience in providing professional special steel for the industries of power station boilers, environmental protection and chemical container equipment, and provides customers with a one-stop services such as processing and transportation. The products are widely sold all over the country and some projects inbound and outbound.
The company is mainly engaged in sale of alloy plates, boiler container plates, heat-resistant plates, acid-resistant plates, weathering plates and various round steels and profiles. The company operates a large independent warehouse in Baosan District, Shanghai and kept different kinds of steel stocks with sufficient thickness over 10,000 tons.
The company adheres to the philosophy of "artisan ingenuity, sincerity and refinement, and customer value-added as its own value", constantly improves its own management, improves service depth and precision, provides customers with high-quality and low-cost materials, and pursues long-term, sustainable and win-win partnership with the ultimate clients.
At present, the company has 32 employees, and also recuite external expert on environmental protection and boiler industry, including:
1. An expect with certification of senior material engineer (holding a boiler industry qualification certificate)
2. An expect with second-level certificate for steel pipe eddy current inspection (boiler pressure vessel, special equipment)
3. A expert with third-level certificate of ultrasonic flaw detection (boiler pressure vessel, special equipment